Saturday, March 03, 2007

Six Hours Later...

Six hours later is just about the difference in my schedule compared to the average day person. You see, I'm an evening Operations Manager at Thousand Hills Golf Resort and Conference Center in Branson, MO.

I am regularly asked, "Do you like working the night shift?" Or people will frequently say, "I could never work those hours!" Personally, I love the evening shift because, you see, I'm a night person.

This evening I joked with a salesperson over the phone that I had spoke to earlier in the day. At the end of our conversation, she wanted to know when a good time to call me back would be. I said, "call me anytime--24 hours a day... I'm a vampire!" Ha! Sometimes that is what I feel like.

I rarely see more than an hour or two of daylight during the week. And it's not much more on the weekends during the winter. I'm pale as a ghost.

But that's okay... because I like the night. I always have. I feel like I'm more productive once 8 o'clock rolls around. Why, I don't know? Maybe it's just my imagination but I'll tell you this, I have never wanted to go to bed before midnight. Ever.

Sometimes I blame my mom. When I was a young boy, she hung poster in my bedroom of Charlie Brown and the caption read, "I hate to go to bed at night, And I hate to get up in the morning!" Sometimes I think staring at that poster all of those years drilled the idea in my head that "night is better" and in time it became self-fulfilling.

But "blame" is probably not the right word. I should probably "Thank" Mom. Who knows what kind of a boring schmuck I would have turned out to be had the poster read otherwise.

I'm thinking of making a new, revised Charlie Brown poster for my desk at work that reads, "Early to bed, Early to rise, Makes Charlie a boring Schmuck!" Charlie would be sporting a high collared cape and fangs! Ha!

Maybe not!

Well I better get to bed. It's almost midnight (6 AM). But it is Saturday and I'm off. I plan to sleep in so don't call me before 10 (4 PM).

"Good Grief!"

Good 'Nite!

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