I’m going to preface this post by saying that anyone who reads what I’m about to write and would really like to give me a piece of their mind but doesn’t want their comments published on my blog, I invite you to send me a personal response to my email address at gene.sullivan@cox.net.
The idea of posting some Anti-Bush bumper sticker quotes came to me after I posted a Bush Countdown Clock on my blog earlier today. Almost immediately after I posted the clock, I decided to remove it, for various reason. Primarily because I decided I didn’t want a permanent element of my blog dedicated to this function for the length of time left for this administration. But I must admit that there was a tinge of conviction that I was being disrespectful of the office of President.
I am a reasonably patriotic American and I do feel that the office of President does command a high level of respect; however, I am absolutely convinced, to my core, that our current administration is rotten to it’s core! What the Bush administration has done to our national reputation is appalling. And like the bumper sticker says, “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention!”
I have several friends now that live abroad that I communicate with on a regular basis (thanks to the internet) and what I keep hearing from almost every single one of them is that the rest of the world now sees the United States of America as hateful, tyrant, selfish, and torturous.
Unfortunately I don’t believe that the world’s opinion has been shaped by our countries terrible behavior over the last six years. But rather, it’s because of the 2004 election and the associated public support our country had for Bush and his policies. In the past when our government screwed up, folks in other countries would give us the benefit of the doubt, and they were often proved correct: American’s would not tolerate tyranny on their watch But under Bush, the American people explicitly embraced tyranny on their own behalf by re-electing him, thus revealing a hateful side of our national character that we had not revealed quite so clearly before. The difference in our standing in the world now is that we have showed the world that the American people are in fact capable of these things I mention: hate, tyranny, selfishness, torture, etc. I guess in truth, you really can’t blame Bush, he didn’t re-elect himself.
Which brings me to the meat of my message. Folks, we need a change. And we need a change which provides us someone that can help restore America’s reputation in the world. Someone that will promote our interests, while ensuring security and advancing our values.
Our world is facing colossal global problems during the next presidential term (climate change, poverty, disease, and terrorism) that will require us to be strong and engaging. Make certain friend, that you are paying attention and that the person you support can fit the bill!
Okay, let me have it… really give it to me! www.gene.sullivan@cox.net
You are retarded.
I am glad that a couple of anecdotal stories from abroad can convince you that millions around the world think terrible of us. This is why they continue to pour over the border for a better life here as well as improving their lives at home with the money they earn and drain from our economy.
There is something deep about this hatred for Bush. I am the first one to belittle him for being Liberal Democrat lite and growing the govt out of control, but I stop at the ignorant blind hatred that some have for him. This hatred is either a delusional belief in conspiracy that is so large and all encompassing that it includes all the people who did vote for him.(He still one the popular vote in florida.) The other option is that he represents something else more diabolical, the simple down home American. His so called cowboy diplomacy and simple speak remind people, right or wrong, of someone or something that at some point did them an injustice. It is very obvious to the outsider that doesn't fall into this lunacy that comes from those who hate ole Bush. We see the childish manner in which this rhetoric comes and it only looks like one thing. That 13 year old kid who got picked on by a bully and now all that were harmed have ganged up on him with their chants and allegations.
Criticism of Bush is due, the hate and lunacy is for the ignorant and oblivious nuts.
As for political picks, I have none. I am dissatisfied with them all. We'll see what happens in 4 more years, you can count the next four as worthless.
Bush is a bully and so are you! Calling someone "retarded" is as immature as the 13-yr-old you refer to in your comment.
It's common knowledge that world’s opinion of the US is at an all time low and you know that! The "couple of anecdotal stories” you refer to don’t convince me of this either, they VERIFY it!
Your reference to Bush as "Liberal Democrat lite" caught me off guard. Frankly I chuckled. Why on earth would you refer to Bush as a Liberal Democrat lite considering his stance on abortion, gay marriage, defense, our health crisis, war & peace, welfare & poverty, gun control, etc. etc. etc.?
I would certainly hope that you were not saying that I'm hateful of Bush. Not once in my post did I say anything about hating Bush. I feel I was quite clear in trying to be somewhat respectful. I'm sure there are many American's that do hate him, but I'm not one of them.
But am I outraged at the way he has led this country? HELL YES! But outraged and hateful are two different things. And if I felt like the country was going to hell in a hand basket and I didn't get outraged, then you would have something to comment about. We should be so lucky to have all of America as concerned about the future of our land.
In the complicated mess that we are in right now, I can see why anyone would find it difficult to pick a candidate. But make no mistake, you and I are faced with critical choices about the future of this country when we go into the voting booth on Tuesday. And I certainly hope you're going to vote; I can't imagine otherwise. You sure wouldn't want to waive your right to bitch.
I disagree with you when you say that we "can count on the next four years as worthless." I do believe we have a candidate in the mix that can restore some of the mess and lead us toward a better tomorrow.
Go ahead and hate me, but I'm voting HILLARY!
PS In another gesture of respect, I did remove the more angry bumper stickers from my previous post, too.
I guess I have to use my buddy buddy quotes or something to show I am just being silly when I call someone retarded or a tool or moron etc. Dont be so sensitive, go and swim down the rapids at swepco and toughen up that thin skin. Just being crass, nothing more...
As far as the rest is concerned I am glad you have to remove the offensive material to prove that you are not hateful of Bush. You can sell that to someone else, cause I ain't buying. The outrage you feel and have felt started way before the war or even 9-11. THe Bush hatred started in November of 2000 before he even took office. To say that you are mad because of where he has steered the countr is plainly dishonest. You and others have been vemenous his ENTIRE presidency, not just the war years. That included when he and ole Teddy Kennedy decided to grow the FED with the Perscription Med Business as well as "NO Child left Behind". That brings up the Democrat lite comment. You are who you lie with. You were angry because the Clinton Salad days were not going to continue on with the GOre.
As far as this year goes I am just sad because it is a choice between McCainiac, Gordon Gecko, The wicked witch of the west and Little Bo peep. I don't even count Huckster and Chucky Norris. I feel that every one of those guys would say or vote any way prudent to get elected, so which ever one would be the same as voting for the other. It won't be a waste. I feel the next issue is entirely on the congress which is dealing with Social Security and Immigration Issues. The drain of those two issues on the Economy in the next 20 years is going to step to the front soon, but must be handled by the congress. I think the presidency either way will be too weak to really deal with the issues.
I will give old Hill a prop though, she is ambitious enough to want to ensure that she is looked on as a good president in history that she might make some difficult decisions that will hurt her in the short term, but might deify her in the long term.
Rest assured, I will vote. There are some local issues here that need to be addressed. I will be holding my nose on the presidential choice though.
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