I’m going to preface this post by saying that anyone who reads what I’m about to write and would really like to give me a piece of their mind but doesn’t want their comments published on my blog, I invite you to send me a personal response to my email address at gene.sullivan@cox.net.
The idea of posting some Anti-Bush bumper sticker quotes came to me after I posted a Bush Countdown Clock on my blog earlier today. Almost immediately after I posted the clock, I decided to remove it, for various reason. Primarily because I decided I didn’t want a permanent element of my blog dedicated to this function for the length of time left for this administration. But I must admit that there was a tinge of conviction that I was being disrespectful of the office of President.
I am a reasonably patriotic American and I do feel that the office of President does command a high level of respect; however, I am absolutely convinced, to my core, that our current administration is rotten to it’s core! What the Bush administration has done to our national reputation is appalling. And like the bumper sticker says, “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention!”
I have several friends now that live abroad that I communicate with on a regular basis (thanks to the internet) and what I keep hearing from almost every single one of them is that the rest of the world now sees the United States of America as hateful, tyrant, selfish, and torturous.
Unfortunately I don’t believe that the world’s opinion has been shaped by our countries terrible behavior over the last six years. But rather, it’s because of the 2004 election and the associated public support our country had for Bush and his policies. In the past when our government screwed up, folks in other countries would give us the benefit of the doubt, and they were often proved correct: American’s would not tolerate tyranny on their watch But under Bush, the American people explicitly embraced tyranny on their own behalf by re-electing him, thus revealing a hateful side of our national character that we had not revealed quite so clearly before. The difference in our standing in the world now is that we have showed the world that the American people are in fact capable of these things I mention: hate, tyranny, selfishness, torture, etc. I guess in truth, you really can’t blame Bush, he didn’t re-elect himself.
Which brings me to the meat of my message. Folks, we need a change. And we need a change which provides us someone that can help restore America’s reputation in the world. Someone that will promote our interests, while ensuring security and advancing our values.
Our world is facing colossal global problems during the next presidential term (climate change, poverty, disease, and terrorism) that will require us to be strong and engaging. Make certain friend, that you are paying attention and that the person you support can fit the bill!
Okay, let me have it… really give it to me! www.gene.sullivan@cox.net