These three pictures represent the things that keep me coming back for more, every year now for 19 years: Endearing friendship, terrific scenery and great food!
These photos are some of the earliest ones I have, from the second year of our gatherings, 1988. I was only 26 years old but Beth and Charlie haven't changed a bit. My how time flys.

When I saw this snapshot I laughed out loud. This was in 1989 in Colorado Springs. Charlie and Tao Woo entertained Beth and I to some interpretive dance. At one point I think Tao turned into a whirling dervish.

No Thanksgiving is complete without several phone conversations with Betsy to check in on their celebration. This particular year, 1993, Beth was prepared with a headset and extra phones.

Over the years several friends have joined us in our celebrations: Barbara Powers-Berger, Cathy Schwamberger, Lance Osbourne, Cole Smith, Brady Cline, Aaron Szabo, and Jordan Duncan. This was in 1994 when Lance joined us. He was only on the ski slope for about 15 minutes when he fell and sprang his wrist.

This was the first year the Chris and the kids joined us. It was about a month before our wedding in 2000. We rode out with Jim, Barbara and Alexander Berger. What a great group. My how the kids have grown.

And this was the first year Andy Leech joined us! 2001. What a wonderful addition to the Leech family and the holiday. And I'm trying to remember if this is the first year we shared the holiday with the Murphy's? They sure have become good friends, too. Aaron Szabo and Brady Cline joined us this year as well.
Well, I could go on and on but you will have to catch the whole story in our book that will come out in a couple of years, hopefully. We have discussed on several occasions the idea of putting together a book of snapshots, recipes, crafts and humor of 20 years of Thanksgiving Memories.
Hopefully one of these years we are going to convince my mom and dad to join us on our journey. That would be the best year ever! For years mom has made bread and cookies to send out with us. Her bread has become know as "Nada Bread" (her name is Nada). And I am not making this up when I say that she has probably made us close to two dozen kinds of bread over the years. Our favorites are Pumpkin Swirl, Banana Nut, and my favorite, The Gift of the Magi (filled with chocolate chips, coconut, cherries and all kinds of goodness. There is sure to be a large chapter in our book dedicated to the Nada Bread!
Well, this has been a little random, but hopefully just a little window into our almost 20 year tradition. I hope this year is full of wonderful memories as well! We leave in a week or so!
What a beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing it. I really look forward to mom's home-cooking now.
p.s. Could you send me some of that homemade salsa?
Ahh, I am glad to hear that at least one of my friends is continuing the Turkey day festivities with friends. Shame on me for not keeping T-Ride going.
That Salsa sounds great right now. I will make some up this weekend.
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