Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Red Bites

I had a great day today. But it didn't start that way.

I was very frustrated on my way to work this morning, wrestling with a negative attitude. This has been an especially rough week at work. A rough month for that matter, both at work and at home. I was considering making a phone call to someone who could cheer me up when something caught my eye. I spotted a book in the passenger seat next to me that I had purchased a few weeks ago. I had picked up this book, the "LITTLE RED BOOK of SELLING" by Jeffrey Gitomer, a few weeks ago at Barnes and Noble in Fayetteville.

While waiting in line for my sausage and cheese biscuit and a diet Dr. Pepper at the Hardee's drive-thru, I reached over and picked up the book and proceeded to open to the pages marked by the book's red ribbon page maker. The first paragraph I saw was titled "Bad day or bad attitude." It was one of the books informational bites called "Red Bites" and it hit me between the eyes! Here it is:

"Bad day or bad attitude? People always blame their attitude on the day. I'm having a bad day is baloney. What you're really saying is: I've let other people get to my attitude. I've let other circumstances get to my attitude. That's not only unjustifiable, it's a sign of mental weakness. If you tell yourself you're having a bad day, I promise you will have one, and if you tell yourself you're having a great day, I promise you will have one. The day is not bad unless you name it bad."

Talk about a slap in the face! It was a gift from God and it was just what I needed.

I had a great day today!

1 comment:

AWG said...

I think there's some truth to that. I know that after I saw "War of the Worlds" last night, I was exceedingly agitated and annoyed. I sometimes let my emotions control my attitude. It's good to keep it in check.