I have about an hour and 7 minutes to say goodbye to 2007. I don't think I'm going to miss it too much. It's difficult to take my mind off all its atrocities: The massacre at Virginia Tech, the recent assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto, the continuing nuclear standoff with Iraq, unrest in Myanmar and George Bush's ongoing war in Iraq... the deadly bridge collapse in Minnesota, wildfires in California and Greece, a rise in foreclosures, huge fuel prices... and worst of them all, the spectacle surrounding Anna Nicole Smith's death (enough already)... Never has the term goodbye been more appropriate! GOODbye 2007.
Hello 2008! I hope you'll bring us better times. I am hopeful; although, with the freaks we're turning out in our schools, still another year of Bush (God help us), Global warming and a media force out to publish and broadcast what sells, I'm not too hopeful. I think perhaps one of my resolutions should be to turn off the TV and disconnect the high speed internet.
We bade adieu to many celbs this year. A few of note: Luciano Pavorotti, Dan Fogelberg, Evil Knievel, Robert Goulet, Merv Griffin, Tom Snyder, Tammy Faye Messner, Charles Nelson Reilly, Beverly Sills, Porter Wagoner, Joel Siegel, Dick "Mr. Wipple" Wilson, Lady Bird Johnson, Liz Claiborne, Tommy Newsome, Don Ho, Marcel Marceau and Larry "Bud" Melman. They were wonderful entertainment and inspiration.
On a much more personal note, I will dearly miss Derek Masters. Derek was one of Kip's best buds during high school and a close friend to everyone in our family. His life was cut short on November 10th when he was killed in a motorcycle accident in North Carolina. I will miss his spontaneous visits when he was home on a leave. I will miss his wonderful grin and innocent temperament. One would never have guessed this wonderful young man would grow up to be a Sergeant in the US Marine Corps, but he did. We were and are so proud of his accomplishmens and service. Our hearts and prayers go out to Mike and kelly and the rest of Derek's family.
Well, I have 5 minutes left. Let me take that time to say how much I love & appreciate my family; my wonderful wife, Chris (today is our 7th wedding anniversary); my stepson Kip & his wife Jessica, they are such a terrific team; my precious step-daughter Jewell who is amazing; and my most incredible stepson Bo, who I hope never doubts the depth of my love. I love them all so much.
May you be blessed in 2008!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Skype hype!
I now have a Skype name: GeneSullivan
If you are not familiar with Skype (it rhymes with type), it's a software program created to allows users to make telephone calls from their computer to other Skype users free of charge, or to landlines and cell phones for a fee. Additional features include instant messaging, file transfer, short message service, video conferencing and its ability to circumvent firewalls. It's pretty cool. Last night I had video conversation with my pal Brady in Romania that lasted about an hour and a half and it was just as clear as could be. It was terrific.
Log in today, download the program, and get connected! www.skype.com If you have question or problems getting signed up, let me know and I will try and help you.
If you are not familiar with Skype (it rhymes with type), it's a software program created to allows users to make telephone calls from their computer to other Skype users free of charge, or to landlines and cell phones for a fee. Additional features include instant messaging, file transfer, short message service, video conferencing and its ability to circumvent firewalls. It's pretty cool. Last night I had video conversation with my pal Brady in Romania that lasted about an hour and a half and it was just as clear as could be. It was terrific.
Log in today, download the program, and get connected! www.skype.com If you have question or problems getting signed up, let me know and I will try and help you.
Friendships vs. True Friends
"A "friendship" is a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem (honor, revere, respect), and affection. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism (the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others). Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating on a consistent basis: the tendency to desire what is best for the other, sympathy and empathy, honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart mutual understanding."
"A 'true friend' is one who supports their own friends through emotional difficulties. This term also denotes a large degree of altruism (the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others), in that the true friend often sacrifices something of his or her own (usually their time and resources) in order to help the friend in need. True friends also are known to be very rare. A true friend may not be your best friend but someone who you know will be there for you."
I thank G-d for all the TRUE FRIENDS that I have.
"A 'true friend' is one who supports their own friends through emotional difficulties. This term also denotes a large degree of altruism (the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others), in that the true friend often sacrifices something of his or her own (usually their time and resources) in order to help the friend in need. True friends also are known to be very rare. A true friend may not be your best friend but someone who you know will be there for you."
I thank G-d for all the TRUE FRIENDS that I have.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Meet Invisible Gene
Your Superpower Should Be Invisibility |
You are stealth, complex, and creative. You never face problems head on. Instead, you rely on your craftiness to get your way. A mystery to others, you thrive on being a little misunderstood. You happily work behind the scenes... because there's nothing better than a sneak attack! Why you would be a good superhero: You're so sly, no one would notice... not even your best friends Your biggest problem as a superhero: Missing out on all of the glory that visible superheroes get |
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Make certain you are not drinking anything when you watch this video because if you do, it will surely come out your nose when you laugh so hard!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Neiman Marcus Cookies

One of the reasons I'm getting anxious for Thanksgiving is so I can make some Neiman Marcus cookies. I LOVE these cookies! I’ve made them several years now for Thanksgiving. They are by far and above my favorite. I believe it was my older sister Cindy that introduced me to them about 20 years ago and I have loved them ever since.
Somehow in the last year I misplaced my recipe for them though. So today I went online to search for the recipe. The first place I found was actually the Neiman Marcus website. They had a story and the recipe listed. But, it was NOT the recipe that I have used all these years. My recipe has oatmeal. The one on the Neiman Marcus site did not have oatmeal. MYSTERY! Makes me wonder, did they post a bogus recipe so people don't really have their recipe OR is the recipe that I had an entirely different one, never really from Neiman Marcus (probably the latter)?
Well, fortunately, I found the recipe that I have used and will continue to make the cookies this way. Here's the recipe if you want a real treat:
(Recipe may be halved):
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal (measure oatmeal and blend in blender to a fine powder)
24 oz. chocolate chips
1 tsp. salt
1 8 oz. Hershey bar (grated)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla
Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips, Hershey bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 112 cookies.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
by W.B.Yates
I WILL arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
by W.B.Yates
I WILL arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
50 Things I Like
I don't know what's up with the list thing, I guess I've seen a lot lately. Here's my latest. It's all about me. 50 things I like:
1. good friends
2. planning a vacation
3. nighttime
4. cheese--all kinds
5. the Brown Pelican restaurant in Santa Barbara
6. Saturday morning coffee on the beach
7. cool Autumn nights
8. hot summer days
9. walking in snow under a full moon
10. Thanksgiving road trips
11. scalp massages
12. my mom's hugs & kisses (dad's, too)
13. wearing my dad's class ring
14. the last 5 minutes of a plane ride
15. waking up from anesthesia
16. red wine
17. the smell of eucalyptus
18. lasagna
19. Sushi
20. peach cider
21. crossword puzzles
22. magazines
23. knitting and crocheting
24. Torah study
25. down comforters
26. the movie "Rudy"
27. adventure traveling
28. my cat Jaki
29. thin crust pizza
30. hearing my step-daughters voice on the phone
31. that last glance at night of my step-son sleeping
32. Kenny Chesney's song "Old Blue Chair"
33. maps
34. family reunions
35. motivational books
36. drinking coffee
37. being right
38. strawberry lemonade
39. buying flowers
40. Dairy Milk milk chocolate bars
41. napping in a hammock
42. grocery shopping at 2 a.m.
43. a good, medium rib eye steak
44. surfing the internet
45. laughing so hard I cry
46. chocolate pecan pie
47. Seeing a good play
48. Wahoo fish tacos
49. cheering for Notre Dame
50. dreaming
1. good friends
2. planning a vacation
3. nighttime
4. cheese--all kinds
5. the Brown Pelican restaurant in Santa Barbara
6. Saturday morning coffee on the beach
7. cool Autumn nights
8. hot summer days
9. walking in snow under a full moon
10. Thanksgiving road trips
11. scalp massages
12. my mom's hugs & kisses (dad's, too)
13. wearing my dad's class ring
14. the last 5 minutes of a plane ride
15. waking up from anesthesia
16. red wine
17. the smell of eucalyptus
18. lasagna
19. Sushi
20. peach cider
21. crossword puzzles
22. magazines
23. knitting and crocheting
24. Torah study
25. down comforters
26. the movie "Rudy"
27. adventure traveling
28. my cat Jaki
29. thin crust pizza
30. hearing my step-daughters voice on the phone
31. that last glance at night of my step-son sleeping
32. Kenny Chesney's song "Old Blue Chair"
33. maps
34. family reunions
35. motivational books
36. drinking coffee
37. being right
38. strawberry lemonade
39. buying flowers
40. Dairy Milk milk chocolate bars
41. napping in a hammock
42. grocery shopping at 2 a.m.
43. a good, medium rib eye steak
44. surfing the internet
45. laughing so hard I cry
46. chocolate pecan pie
47. Seeing a good play
48. Wahoo fish tacos
49. cheering for Notre Dame
50. dreaming
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
WHO* Avian Flu Update
Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 17
2 October 2007
The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 21-year-old male from Jakarta Province developed symptoms on 18 September, was hospitalized on 25 September and died in hospital on 28 September. The investigation found that the case was an egg seller in a traditional market. All of the contacts remain healthy, where they will continue to be monitored for ten days after their last contact with the case.
Of the 107 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 86 have been fatal. (80.37%)
*World Health Organization
2 October 2007
The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 21-year-old male from Jakarta Province developed symptoms on 18 September, was hospitalized on 25 September and died in hospital on 28 September. The investigation found that the case was an egg seller in a traditional market. All of the contacts remain healthy, where they will continue to be monitored for ten days after their last contact with the case.
Of the 107 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 86 have been fatal. (80.37%)
*World Health Organization
Avian Bird Flu,
Pandemic Flu
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Hollywood Squares
And now for something a little lighter...
If you remember the original Hollywood Squares and it's comics, this may bring a tear to your eyes. These great questions and answers are from the days when "Hollywood Squares" game show responses were spontaneous, not scripted, as they are now. Peter Marshall was the host asking the questions, of course.
Q: Do female frogs croak?
A: (Paul Lynde) "If you hold their little heads under water long enough."
Q: If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be?
A: (Charley Weaver) "Three days of steady drinking should do it."
Q: True or False, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years?
A: (George Gobel) "Boy, it sure seems that way sometimes."
Q: You've been having trouble going to sleep. Are you probably a man or a woman?
A: (Don Knotts) "That's what's been keeping me awake."
Q: According to Cosmopolitain, if you meet a stranger at a party, and you think that he is attractive, is it okay to come out and ask him if he's married?
A: (Rose Marie) "No, wait until morning."
Q: Which of your five senses tends to diminish as you get older?
A: (Charley Weaver) "My sense of decency."
Q: In Hawaiian, does it take more than three words to say "I Love You"?
A: (Vincent Price) "No, you can say it with a pineapple and a twenty."
Q: What are "Do It," "I Can Help," and "I Can't Get Enough"?
A: (George Gobel) "I don't know, but it's coming from the next apartment."
Q: As you grow older, do you tend to gesture more or less with your hands while talking?
A: (Rose Marie) "You ask me one more growing old question Peter, and I'll give you a gesture you'll never forget."
Q: Paul, why do Hell's Angels wear leather?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Because chiffon wrinkles too easily."
Q: Charley, you've just decided to grow strawberries. Are you going to get any during the first year?
A: (Charlie Weaver) "Of course not, I'm too busy growing strawberries."
Q: In bowling, what's a perfect score?
A: (Rose Marie) "Ralph, the pin boy."
Q: It is considered in bad taste to discuss two subjects at nudist camps. One is politics, what is the other?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Tape measures."
Q: During a tornado, are you safer in the bedroom or in the closet?
A: (Rose Marie) "Unfortunately Peter, I'm always safe in the bedroom."
Q: Can boys join the Camp Fire Girls?
A: (Marty Allen) "Only after lights out."
My Personal Favorite:
Q: When you pat a dog on it's head he will wag his tail. What will a goose do?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Make him bark?"
Q: If you were pregnant for two years, what would you give birth to?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Whatever it is, it would never be afraid of the dark."
Q: According to Ann Landers, is there anything wrong with getting into the habit of kissing a lot of people?
A: (Charley Weaver) "It got me out of the Army."
Q: It is the most abused and neglected part of your body, what is it?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Mine may be abused, but it certainly isn't neglected."
Q: Back in the old days, when Great Grampa put horseradish on his head, what was he trying to do?
A: (George Gobel) "Get it in his mouth."
Q: Who stays pregnant for a longer period of time, your wife or your elephant?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Who told you about my elephant?"
Q: Jackie Gleason recently revealed that he firmly believes in them and has actually seen them on at least two occassions. What are they?
A: (Charley Weaver) "His feet."
Q: According to Ann Landers, what are two things you should never do in bed?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Point and laugh."
We don't stop laughing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop laughing!
If you remember the original Hollywood Squares and it's comics, this may bring a tear to your eyes. These great questions and answers are from the days when "Hollywood Squares" game show responses were spontaneous, not scripted, as they are now. Peter Marshall was the host asking the questions, of course.
Q: Do female frogs croak?
A: (Paul Lynde) "If you hold their little heads under water long enough."
Q: If you're going to make a parachute jump, at least how high should you be?
A: (Charley Weaver) "Three days of steady drinking should do it."
Q: True or False, a pea can last as long as 5,000 years?
A: (George Gobel) "Boy, it sure seems that way sometimes."
Q: You've been having trouble going to sleep. Are you probably a man or a woman?
A: (Don Knotts) "That's what's been keeping me awake."
Q: According to Cosmopolitain, if you meet a stranger at a party, and you think that he is attractive, is it okay to come out and ask him if he's married?
A: (Rose Marie) "No, wait until morning."
Q: Which of your five senses tends to diminish as you get older?
A: (Charley Weaver) "My sense of decency."
Q: In Hawaiian, does it take more than three words to say "I Love You"?
A: (Vincent Price) "No, you can say it with a pineapple and a twenty."
Q: What are "Do It," "I Can Help," and "I Can't Get Enough"?
A: (George Gobel) "I don't know, but it's coming from the next apartment."
Q: As you grow older, do you tend to gesture more or less with your hands while talking?
A: (Rose Marie) "You ask me one more growing old question Peter, and I'll give you a gesture you'll never forget."
Q: Paul, why do Hell's Angels wear leather?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Because chiffon wrinkles too easily."
Q: Charley, you've just decided to grow strawberries. Are you going to get any during the first year?
A: (Charlie Weaver) "Of course not, I'm too busy growing strawberries."
Q: In bowling, what's a perfect score?
A: (Rose Marie) "Ralph, the pin boy."
Q: It is considered in bad taste to discuss two subjects at nudist camps. One is politics, what is the other?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Tape measures."
Q: During a tornado, are you safer in the bedroom or in the closet?
A: (Rose Marie) "Unfortunately Peter, I'm always safe in the bedroom."
Q: Can boys join the Camp Fire Girls?
A: (Marty Allen) "Only after lights out."
My Personal Favorite:
Q: When you pat a dog on it's head he will wag his tail. What will a goose do?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Make him bark?"
Q: If you were pregnant for two years, what would you give birth to?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Whatever it is, it would never be afraid of the dark."
Q: According to Ann Landers, is there anything wrong with getting into the habit of kissing a lot of people?
A: (Charley Weaver) "It got me out of the Army."
Q: It is the most abused and neglected part of your body, what is it?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Mine may be abused, but it certainly isn't neglected."
Q: Back in the old days, when Great Grampa put horseradish on his head, what was he trying to do?
A: (George Gobel) "Get it in his mouth."
Q: Who stays pregnant for a longer period of time, your wife or your elephant?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Who told you about my elephant?"
Q: Jackie Gleason recently revealed that he firmly believes in them and has actually seen them on at least two occassions. What are they?
A: (Charley Weaver) "His feet."
Q: According to Ann Landers, what are two things you should never do in bed?
A: (Paul Lynde) "Point and laugh."
We don't stop laughing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop laughing!
Ask the Dr.
I found this Human Avian Flu information today on WebMD.com:
Weighing the Odds
The key to widespread outbreaks or a multicontinent pandemic is for the virus (H5N1), carried by domestic and wild birds, to morph into a form that can be passed from human to human via a cough or sneeze. Scientists are all over the map on whether this will happen.
Robert G. Webster, the Rosemary Thomas Chair at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., is sometimes called "The Flu Hunter." Webster recently says there is a 50-50 chance the virus will become transmissible human-to-human. If it does, he projects that half the people in the country would die. He has stored a three-month supply of food and water at his house.
Others cite the swine flu scare of several decades ago. That one fizzled.
The upshot is no one knows for sure. The World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and countless local governments are taking bird flu seriously and trying to plan.
The irony may be that for all of this planning, taking care of cases will probably fall to individuals and take place in the home. This is the view of Gratton Woodson, MD, a primary care doctor at the Druid Oaks Health Center in Decatur, Ga., who has made a years-long study of bird flu on behalf of his patients and has published a bird flu preparedness manual to help them cope.
The CDC also has put up a web site helping people to prepare for this possibility. It's www.pandemicflu.govhttp://www.webmd.com/click?url=http://www.pandemicflu.gov.
Weighing the Odds
The key to widespread outbreaks or a multicontinent pandemic is for the virus (H5N1), carried by domestic and wild birds, to morph into a form that can be passed from human to human via a cough or sneeze. Scientists are all over the map on whether this will happen.
Robert G. Webster, the Rosemary Thomas Chair at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., is sometimes called "The Flu Hunter." Webster recently says there is a 50-50 chance the virus will become transmissible human-to-human. If it does, he projects that half the people in the country would die. He has stored a three-month supply of food and water at his house.
Others cite the swine flu scare of several decades ago. That one fizzled.
The upshot is no one knows for sure. The World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and countless local governments are taking bird flu seriously and trying to plan.
The irony may be that for all of this planning, taking care of cases will probably fall to individuals and take place in the home. This is the view of Gratton Woodson, MD, a primary care doctor at the Druid Oaks Health Center in Decatur, Ga., who has made a years-long study of bird flu on behalf of his patients and has published a bird flu preparedness manual to help them cope.
The CDC also has put up a web site helping people to prepare for this possibility. It's www.pandemicflu.govhttp://www.webmd.com/click?url=http://www.pandemicflu.gov.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Get Prepared...

(Click the picture above to see a larger image)
Scientists now say that a pandemic of some sort is inevitable. If you are not aware of just what the H5N1 flu virus is about, you should do a Google search and spend a hour or so reading about it. I think you might be a little more than concerned.
What concerns me is that the virus can now be spread from Human to Human. And more than 1/2 the people that are getting infected, die. The numbers are disturbing. My advice: GET PREPARED! I think it's just a matter of time before this thing hits. And when it does, it's going to spread like wild fire.
When the Great Pandemic of 1918 reached Chicago, almost 5,000 people died during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of October. And the first case wasn't even reported until the 27th of September. Professionals say that a Pandemic today would make the one in 1918 look like a cakewalk. It's terribly alarming folks and I think we need to start preparing.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Are You Ready?
How does one prepare for a pandemic that could kill 1 of every 10 people in your community?
I was prompted to do a little research after I heard an ad on the radio while zipping around Branson today. It was an public service announcement on a small radio station out of our hometown, in Harrison, AR for pandemic preparedness. My quick and simple research yielded me tons of information.
I think the most amazing thing I found so far is that right here in the state of Arkansas, there has been an official 147 page Influenza Pandemic Response Plan drafted within the last 14 months. It's 147 pages long folks! That's a huge document guys (yes, I printed it). It includes everything from Influenza Suerveillance to Information about Influenza to Clinical Guidelines and even an example of an Home Quarantine Order and Facility Quarantine that Communities can use. Yikes!
I just watched a very interesting and disturbing documentary which showed the effects of a possible future outbreak of avian flu and how it would spread across the world. It's a 1 1/2 hour YouTube video and if you've got the time, watch it. You can see it by clicking here.
Well, I won't make this too long. I just thought I'd let you know my most recent tangent. Besides, I have to go to the store right now and buy some rice and water. Later.
I was prompted to do a little research after I heard an ad on the radio while zipping around Branson today. It was an public service announcement on a small radio station out of our hometown, in Harrison, AR for pandemic preparedness. My quick and simple research yielded me tons of information.
I think the most amazing thing I found so far is that right here in the state of Arkansas, there has been an official 147 page Influenza Pandemic Response Plan drafted within the last 14 months. It's 147 pages long folks! That's a huge document guys (yes, I printed it). It includes everything from Influenza Suerveillance to Information about Influenza to Clinical Guidelines and even an example of an Home Quarantine Order and Facility Quarantine that Communities can use. Yikes!
I just watched a very interesting and disturbing documentary which showed the effects of a possible future outbreak of avian flu and how it would spread across the world. It's a 1 1/2 hour YouTube video and if you've got the time, watch it. You can see it by clicking here.
Well, I won't make this too long. I just thought I'd let you know my most recent tangent. Besides, I have to go to the store right now and buy some rice and water. Later.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Vehicle Needed
I'm just going to throw this out here and see what happens. My stepson Bo is in desperate need of a different vehicle. Although Chris and I have taken a firm stand with all three of the kids that they were responsible for purchasing and insuring their vehicles, if they choose to have one, we have been supportive of their efforts as well. So in that light I am trying to assist him in locating a vehicle for him that might be for sale.
Bo currently has truck that is on it's very last legs and would like his "new" vehicle to be more fuel efficient. If you or someone that you know has an older vehicle for sale that you might think would fit the bill, please let me know. He needs something extremely inexpensive as he has very limited funds at this time; something that would get decent gas mileage; a vehicle that would hopefully run for at least one year. It doesn't have to have bells and whistles, just be reasonably dependable.
Again, please can call me if you think you can help him out: 870-365-5711
PS Bo is willing to travel for the right deal, so don't let distance deter you if you live away and think you have something. Thanks.
Bo currently has truck that is on it's very last legs and would like his "new" vehicle to be more fuel efficient. If you or someone that you know has an older vehicle for sale that you might think would fit the bill, please let me know. He needs something extremely inexpensive as he has very limited funds at this time; something that would get decent gas mileage; a vehicle that would hopefully run for at least one year. It doesn't have to have bells and whistles, just be reasonably dependable.
Again, please can call me if you think you can help him out: 870-365-5711
PS Bo is willing to travel for the right deal, so don't let distance deter you if you live away and think you have something. Thanks.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Cornerstone of Good Citizenship
I am posting a podcast today. It is a chapel address to the student body of Olivet Nazarene University by former Assistant Secretary of State of Ohio, Monty Lobb. Monty and I were classmates at Olivet. I never really knew Monty well but we had several mutual friends and I remember he was tall; and wore interesting glasses; and he was a super terrific nice guy.
Anyway, I found his chapel address inspirational and I thought I would post a link. I think there are a few of you that read me that might also enjoy it and take the time to listen. It's about 25 minutes long. Not too bad. Click here to listen to the message. You can also see the "Declaration of Uncommon Sense" that Monty talks about in his address by clicking here.
Anyway, I found his chapel address inspirational and I thought I would post a link. I think there are a few of you that read me that might also enjoy it and take the time to listen. It's about 25 minutes long. Not too bad. Click here to listen to the message. You can also see the "Declaration of Uncommon Sense" that Monty talks about in his address by clicking here.
A Different World

I love this picture of my dad and grandpa. It was taken c. 1942, on the farm where my dad was born and raised. It reminds me just how much our world has changed in my father's lifetime.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
25 Amazing Things I've Already Done
I've watched a sea turtle lay her eggs in the sand...
... it was amazing!
I've climbed a pyramid in Giza, Egypt...
... it was amazing... x10!
I've snorkled in the Red Sea...
... it was an amazingly beautiful and brief experience!
I've read The Agony And The Ecstasy...
... it's amazingly long... and amazingly interesting!
I've seen the Sistine Chapel...
... it was an amazing feat!
I've crocheted a blanket (several)...
... they are amazing! (okay... maybe not so much)
I've lived in Santa Barbara County, California...
... it is amazing how much I still miss it!
I've shaved my head bald...
... it was an amazing feeling!
I've rode a camel in the Sahara Desert...
... it was also an amazingly feeling!
I've watched a spider spin an entire web...
... it was truly amazing!
I've stayed in a 5-Star hotel for 2 weeks...
... it was amazingly lavish!
I've walked down the middle of the Reflecting Pool in D.C....
... it was amazingly cold (It was January and it was frozen!)
I've taken a Castle tour on the Rhine River...
... it was an amazing gift! Thanks Steve & Nancee!
I've stood on the 50 yrd. line of Notre Dame Stadium...
... it was an amazing shared experience! Thanks Dave!
I've shook Rosa Parks hand...
... it was amazing and humbling!
I've lived in 5 states...
... that is amazing! (okay... again, maybe not so much)
I've stood inside the Colosseum in Rome...
... it was amazingly sobering!
I've crossed the Aswan Dam...
... it is amazingly BIG and secretive!
I've visited Abu Simbel...
... it was amazingly old! (Did you know they moved those suckers?)
I've had open incision, lower back surgery...
... it was amazing that it was an outpatient surgery!
I've seen Michael Jackson in concert in Paris, France...
... it is amazingly embarrassing to admit!
I've spent a night on top of Mt. Sinai, Egypt...
... it was amazingly cold and amazingly, my 35th Birthday.
I've researched my family tree and met family I didn't know I had...
... it was amazing how much we looked alike.
I've remained close with high school friends ...
... it's because they are amazing people.
I've fully recovered from Barrett's Esophagus...
... it's because of an amazing product, AmbrotoseTM by MannatechTM
... it was amazing!
I've climbed a pyramid in Giza, Egypt...
... it was amazing... x10!
I've snorkled in the Red Sea...
... it was an amazingly beautiful and brief experience!
I've read The Agony And The Ecstasy...
... it's amazingly long... and amazingly interesting!
I've seen the Sistine Chapel...
... it was an amazing feat!
I've crocheted a blanket (several)...
... they are amazing! (okay... maybe not so much)
I've lived in Santa Barbara County, California...
... it is amazing how much I still miss it!
I've shaved my head bald...
... it was an amazing feeling!
I've rode a camel in the Sahara Desert...
... it was also an amazingly feeling!
I've watched a spider spin an entire web...
... it was truly amazing!
I've stayed in a 5-Star hotel for 2 weeks...
... it was amazingly lavish!
I've walked down the middle of the Reflecting Pool in D.C....
... it was amazingly cold (It was January and it was frozen!)
I've taken a Castle tour on the Rhine River...
... it was an amazing gift! Thanks Steve & Nancee!
I've stood on the 50 yrd. line of Notre Dame Stadium...
... it was an amazing shared experience! Thanks Dave!
I've shook Rosa Parks hand...
... it was amazing and humbling!
I've lived in 5 states...
... that is amazing! (okay... again, maybe not so much)
I've stood inside the Colosseum in Rome...
... it was amazingly sobering!
I've crossed the Aswan Dam...
... it is amazingly BIG and secretive!
I've visited Abu Simbel...
... it was amazingly old! (Did you know they moved those suckers?)
I've had open incision, lower back surgery...
... it was amazing that it was an outpatient surgery!
I've seen Michael Jackson in concert in Paris, France...
... it is amazingly embarrassing to admit!
I've spent a night on top of Mt. Sinai, Egypt...
... it was amazingly cold and amazingly, my 35th Birthday.
I've researched my family tree and met family I didn't know I had...
... it was amazing how much we looked alike.
I've remained close with high school friends ...
... it's because they are amazing people.
I've fully recovered from Barrett's Esophagus...
... it's because of an amazing product, AmbrotoseTM by MannatechTM
Hillary's Health Choices Plan
Click here to see Hillary Clinton's proposed health care plan. I think it's time, folks!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Mail Order Madness
There is a hilarious line in the movie "Best In Show" where Parker Posey, playing Meg Swan, is dialoging with her husband Hamilton, played by Michael Hitchcock and she says, "...We are so lucky, we are so lucky to have been raised amongst (mail order) catalogs." Ha. Michael adds, "It's so much easier, because, especially you don't have to deal with people as much. You can just talk to the person on the phone..." and then Parker adds, "Or not." It's a very, very funny scene.
This weekend I was doing some sorting and cleaning and I decided to attack our ridiculous stack of mail order catalogs. I am embarrassed at the number of catalogs we get. And how we ever started getting some is a mystery to me, but I enjoy them all. I think I will probably call them bulk of them though and ask them to take us off their mailing list. Now with the internet, it's just as easy to shop online. And I'm sure we'll save a few trees.
I thought I'd post my collection here for you to enjoy. Check them out online if you feel so inclined. There are some good ones. I have to say, I feel as do Meg & Hamilton, so lucky to have been raised with the catalogs!
Allergy Control Products, Inc.
Allergy Solutions, Inc.
American Girl
Atlas Pen & Pencil Corp.
Ballard Designs
Bass Pro Shops
Best Impressions
Bits and Pieces (puzzles)
Blair (women’s fashion)
Boston Proper
Brookstone/HardtoFind Tools
BrownCor International
Campmor (camping)
Champion America (Safety)
Conney Safety Products
The Container Store
Country Curtains
CRAFTSMAN Power & Hand Tools
Crate & Barrel
DansComp (bikes)
Eastbay (Shoes)
Eddie Bauer
Garage Equipment Supply
Grill Lovers
Hammacher Schlemmer
Harry & David
Hershey’s Gifts
Hickory Farms
Hold Everything
Home Decorators Collection
The Irish Rose
Land’s End
Lillian Vernon
Linen Source
Midnight Velvet
National Allergy
National Business Furniture
National Geographic
Northern Sun Merchandising
Old Glory
Omaha Steaks
The Paragon (Gifts)
Pin Gallery
Pottery Barn/Kids
Restoration Hardware
Sales Guides, Int’l
Seventh Avenue
The Sharper Image
Siegel Display Products
Sierra Trading Post
Sketchers (shoes)
Sticker Planet
Successful Events
The Swiss Colony
The Territory Ahead
Times to Cherish by Current
Thompson Cigar
Design Toscano
U.S. Chess Federation
USI (Lamination & More)
Victoria’s Secret
Viking Office Products
What On Earth
Wine Country Gift Baskets
Wissota Trader
Z Gallerie
This weekend I was doing some sorting and cleaning and I decided to attack our ridiculous stack of mail order catalogs. I am embarrassed at the number of catalogs we get. And how we ever started getting some is a mystery to me, but I enjoy them all. I think I will probably call them bulk of them though and ask them to take us off their mailing list. Now with the internet, it's just as easy to shop online. And I'm sure we'll save a few trees.
I thought I'd post my collection here for you to enjoy. Check them out online if you feel so inclined. There are some good ones. I have to say, I feel as do Meg & Hamilton, so lucky to have been raised with the catalogs!
Allergy Control Products, Inc.
Allergy Solutions, Inc.
American Girl
Atlas Pen & Pencil Corp.
Ballard Designs
Bass Pro Shops
Best Impressions
Bits and Pieces (puzzles)
Blair (women’s fashion)
Boston Proper
Brookstone/HardtoFind Tools
BrownCor International
Campmor (camping)
Champion America (Safety)
Conney Safety Products
The Container Store
Country Curtains
CRAFTSMAN Power & Hand Tools
Crate & Barrel
DansComp (bikes)
Eastbay (Shoes)
Eddie Bauer
Garage Equipment Supply
Grill Lovers
Hammacher Schlemmer
Harry & David
Hershey’s Gifts
Hickory Farms
Hold Everything
Home Decorators Collection
The Irish Rose
Land’s End
Lillian Vernon
Linen Source
Midnight Velvet
National Allergy
National Business Furniture
National Geographic
Northern Sun Merchandising
Old Glory
Omaha Steaks
The Paragon (Gifts)
Pin Gallery
Pottery Barn/Kids
Restoration Hardware
Sales Guides, Int’l
Seventh Avenue
The Sharper Image
Siegel Display Products
Sierra Trading Post
Sketchers (shoes)
Sticker Planet
Successful Events
The Swiss Colony
The Territory Ahead
Times to Cherish by Current
Thompson Cigar
Design Toscano
U.S. Chess Federation
USI (Lamination & More)
Victoria’s Secret
Viking Office Products
What On Earth
Wine Country Gift Baskets
Wissota Trader
Z Gallerie
Monday, July 16, 2007
10 Years Ago
Enjoy this clip I've put together of my good friend, Roberto. He was a SERVAS host that I stayed with in Savona, Italy in 1997 and we've stayed in touch over the years. Chris and I stayed with him for a week when we were in Europe 2 years ago. He's a beautiful and generous person. It's hard for me to believe that it's been 10 years since we met. Enjoy my first attempt at video editing:
A 4th to Remember... A 5th to Forget!
I may regret doing this but I could not resist. For the few of you who will, enjoy:
Monday, July 09, 2007
A Day No Pigs Would Die

I'm sure many of you may have read it during High School or Jr. High. It's one of the top 100 books recommended for students to read. I had never heard of it when Mom gave it to me a few months ago.
I've kept it on my nightstand and it's taken me forever to read. It's not a long book, it's just that I can only ready a few paragraphs in bed before I'm out like a light. But last night I got on a roll and read until I finished the book.
I won't spoil the story should any of you want to pick it up and read it. But if you grew up on a farm, like I did, you will really enjoy the story.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Daylilies at Work
My good friend and pal Dean Reusser inspired me to share some picutures of daylilies. I don't quite have his green thumb but I will try and share some of the calalilies that are in bloom in my front yard. These are flowers that are on property at the resort where I work. Here are a few of the daylilies that are in bloom at Thousand Hills in Branson. There are so many and they are really very beautiful. Enjoy!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Niki Delivers
It was about 10pm Thursday night when I got the call. Chris was on the other end of the line and in a very excited voice she practically shouted, "We're having babies!"
I can't believe it but Niki only had 2 kittens and unfortunately one did not survive. At least we have one healthy baby. I guess it's not unusual for a cat to only have 2 or 3 kittens her first litter. I thought she seemed bigger than only 2 kittens though.
Mommy and baby are doing well and hopefully I can put up a picture of the little critter soon. It's as cute as... well... not so cute yet. Have you ever seen a newborn kitten?! Not so cute.
I can't believe it but Niki only had 2 kittens and unfortunately one did not survive. At least we have one healthy baby. I guess it's not unusual for a cat to only have 2 or 3 kittens her first litter. I thought she seemed bigger than only 2 kittens though.
Mommy and baby are doing well and hopefully I can put up a picture of the little critter soon. It's as cute as... well... not so cute yet. Have you ever seen a newborn kitten?! Not so cute.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Bathroom Remodel

Our Master Bathroom project that I started, um... well, too long ago, is once again in motion. I took some time this past weekend and stripped the walls and started to tear out the drywall around the tub. I'm going to tile the entire bathroom and since there was never any backerboard around the tub, I am putting it in.
We haven't picked out the exact tile yet but have had fun looking for ideas. I think what we're going to do is a combination of 12"x12" Travertine tiles around the tub and 1"x1" Travertine mesh mounted tiles in the rest of the room.

I would also like to use a large amount of mirror in the bathroom.
I LOVE the bathrooms at the new Andy Williams Moon River Grill in Branson. They used mirrors to make a rather small bathroom look twice as big. And that is what we need in ours because it's very small. Hopefully I can get a good price on some mirrors to create the same effect.
I think that I am going to have to have the bathtub professionally refinished. It's a very nice tub but there are a few chip in the porcelain finish. I have heard that you can do it yourself, but I think in order to get a professional looking job, I need to hire a professional. I'm going to research it anyway and find out what it will cost.
Well, stay tuned for bathroom updates too!
Tuesday has come and gone ...
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Kitten Countdown
Our petite, Ms. Niki is about to pop! She is VERY pregnant and I expect will give birth in the next few days. I'm am predicting she will deliver on Tuesday. We'll see. Hopefully she'll have less than six kittens but our veterinarian told me on Wednesday that she could have as many as ten! ZOINKS! :-o
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
dude... i have like 1,543 coke rewards points! AWESOME!
i think i'm gonna buy like some kitchen knives or something. SWEEEEEEET!
anybody else save coke points?
i think i'm gonna buy like some kitchen knives or something. SWEEEEEEET!
anybody else save coke points?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I was introduced to Rufus Wainwright by National Public Radio (NPR) a couple years ago. I purchased one of his CD's, "Want One," just days later and I've been hooked ever since. It has become one of my most played CD's.
I think I have downloaded almost every song Rufus has produced on my iPod and I listen to them all, frequently. I just love his sound and style.
All that said, he isn't for everyone. Just ask anyone in my family. They hate him. I guess it's his voice. It's a little smokey. Or as they describe it, "It's like he has a mouth full of spinach."
But I like it. He has a complete security of intonation, even over a dense accompaniment. See what you think.
I think I have downloaded almost every song Rufus has produced on my iPod and I listen to them all, frequently. I just love his sound and style.
All that said, he isn't for everyone. Just ask anyone in my family. They hate him. I guess it's his voice. It's a little smokey. Or as they describe it, "It's like he has a mouth full of spinach."
But I like it. He has a complete security of intonation, even over a dense accompaniment. See what you think.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
"Surrender" to Mike Rizzo
Laura Pausini is an Grammy Award and Latin Grammy Award-winning Italian pop singer, especially popular in Italy, Spain and Latin America, famed for her soulful voice, her romantic Adult Contemporary ballads and love songs. In 2002 Laura released her first English Album. Her single "Surrender" saw success peaking Billboard #1 in the Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart.
Enter Mike Rizzo. Rizzo is a progressive, remix producer from NYC and has an extensive list of number 1 Billboard dance club remixes. He has created this amazing underground sound that to me, quiet frankly, is incredibly inspirational. Ihave this song on my iPod and it's my favorite treadmill warm up song. Enjoy!
Enter Mike Rizzo. Rizzo is a progressive, remix producer from NYC and has an extensive list of number 1 Billboard dance club remixes. He has created this amazing underground sound that to me, quiet frankly, is incredibly inspirational. Ihave this song on my iPod and it's my favorite treadmill warm up song. Enjoy!
Wear Sunscreen
I am going to try and find this single on CD and start giving it as a graduation gift. I just heard it the other day and LOVED it. I'm sure every one of you will agree that the advice is profoundly true and poignant! Baz Luhrmann presented and produced the song that hit the charts in 1999. The lyrics were written by Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich, and the vocals were performed by Lee Perry. Enjoy!
Music for the Masses
I discovered a site, hipcast.com, that will allow me to share music on my blog. I'm just trying this out to see how it works--we'll see how it goes. I'll probably be my typical obsessive-compulsive self for a few days, downloading a lot, so... just bear with me... I'm sure this, too, will pass. Enjoy the tunes.
New Horizons
This is a terrific remix of a great old song. It's right up there with Break My Stride. I can still see Betsy skipping around the lodge... Maybe I need to break this song out at the next Chill!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Six Hours Later...
Six hours later is just about the difference in my schedule compared to the average day person. You see, I'm an evening Operations Manager at Thousand Hills Golf Resort and Conference Center in Branson, MO.
I am regularly asked, "Do you like working the night shift?" Or people will frequently say, "I could never work those hours!" Personally, I love the evening shift because, you see, I'm a night person.
This evening I joked with a salesperson over the phone that I had spoke to earlier in the day. At the end of our conversation, she wanted to know when a good time to call me back would be. I said, "call me anytime--24 hours a day... I'm a vampire!" Ha! Sometimes that is what I feel like.
I rarely see more than an hour or two of daylight during the week. And it's not much more on the weekends during the winter. I'm pale as a ghost.
But that's okay... because I like the night. I always have. I feel like I'm more productive once 8 o'clock rolls around. Why, I don't know? Maybe it's just my imagination but I'll tell you this, I have never wanted to go to bed before midnight. Ever.
Sometimes I blame my mom. When I was a young boy, she hung poster in my bedroom of Charlie Brown and the caption read, "I hate to go to bed at night, And I hate to get up in the morning!" Sometimes I think staring at that poster all of those years drilled the idea in my head that "night is better" and in time it became self-fulfilling.
But "blame" is probably not the right word. I should probably "Thank" Mom. Who knows what kind of a boring schmuck I would have turned out to be had the poster read otherwise.
I'm thinking of making a new, revised Charlie Brown poster for my desk at work that reads, "Early to bed, Early to rise, Makes Charlie a boring Schmuck!" Charlie would be sporting a high collared cape and fangs! Ha!
Maybe not!
Well I better get to bed. It's almost midnight (6 AM). But it is Saturday and I'm off. I plan to sleep in so don't call me before 10 (4 PM).
"Good Grief!"
Good 'Nite!
I am regularly asked, "Do you like working the night shift?" Or people will frequently say, "I could never work those hours!" Personally, I love the evening shift because, you see, I'm a night person.
This evening I joked with a salesperson over the phone that I had spoke to earlier in the day. At the end of our conversation, she wanted to know when a good time to call me back would be. I said, "call me anytime--24 hours a day... I'm a vampire!" Ha! Sometimes that is what I feel like.
I rarely see more than an hour or two of daylight during the week. And it's not much more on the weekends during the winter. I'm pale as a ghost.
But that's okay... because I like the night. I always have. I feel like I'm more productive once 8 o'clock rolls around. Why, I don't know? Maybe it's just my imagination but I'll tell you this, I have never wanted to go to bed before midnight. Ever.
Sometimes I blame my mom. When I was a young boy, she hung poster in my bedroom of Charlie Brown and the caption read, "I hate to go to bed at night, And I hate to get up in the morning!" Sometimes I think staring at that poster all of those years drilled the idea in my head that "night is better" and in time it became self-fulfilling.
But "blame" is probably not the right word. I should probably "Thank" Mom. Who knows what kind of a boring schmuck I would have turned out to be had the poster read otherwise.
I'm thinking of making a new, revised Charlie Brown poster for my desk at work that reads, "Early to bed, Early to rise, Makes Charlie a boring Schmuck!" Charlie would be sporting a high collared cape and fangs! Ha!
Maybe not!
Well I better get to bed. It's almost midnight (6 AM). But it is Saturday and I'm off. I plan to sleep in so don't call me before 10 (4 PM).
"Good Grief!"
Good 'Nite!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The 20 Best Medicines for Men
I recently read an article that I thought had some interesting information. It may seem a little strange to some of you to see me print this information on my blog, knowing my attitude about using medication. However, there are those rare instances when I have wondered, "What would be the best over-the-counter for…." So, guys, I present to you what 3,000 pharmacists of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) picked as the "best Med" in a dozen different categories, based on their clinical knowledge and practical experience. There won’t be too many surprises
Why it won: One dose helps halt hay fever and other sinus allergies for up to 24 hours, compared with 4 to 6 hours for other antihistamines. Claritin is also the first OTC antihistamine that's truly nonsedating, which means you can finally operate heavy machinery (or just drive your car). One caution: Claritin-D also contains a decongesting stimulant, so take it at least 4 hours before bedtime, says Paul Doering, an OTC expert at the University of Florida.
Maximize it: Anytime you're anticipating an allergy attack, pop a preemptive Claritin. "This will make your reaction less severe than if you treated it after it began," says Steven Pray, Ph.D., D.P.H., a professor of nonprescription drugs at Southwestern Oklahoma State University.
Generic equivalent: Loratadine, 10 milligrams (mg)
Why it won: Whether it's the burning of a bee sting or the itching of poison ivy, skin reactions involve more histamine—the body's allergy-causing chemical—than sinus flare-ups do. As a result, Claritin may not cut it. "There's some proof that nonsedating antihistamines have an effect on these allergic reactions, but not as great an effect as Benadryl has," says Linda Krypel, Pharm.D., an associate professor of pharmacy at Drake University. But that power comes at a price: Benadryl can make you too drowsy to drive a forklift.
Maximize it: Mix Benadryl with Tagamet, an OTC antacid. Tagamet contains cimetidine, what's known as an H2 histamine blocker. Benadryl uses an H1 blocker. "Take an H1 and an H2 together and you get more relief because they affect different parts of your allergy-response system," says Michael Roizen, M.D., a professor of medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University.
Generic equivalent: Diphenhydramine, 25 mg
Lamisil AT
Why it won: "Lamisil AT inhibits an essential component of the fungal cell membrane," says Donnie Calhoun, R.Ph., owner of Golden Spring Pharmacy in Alabama. "Without its membrane, the fungus will die." In an Australian study of 217 people with athlete's foot, researchers found that terbinafine, the active ingredient in Lamisil, cleared up the symptoms in 85 percent of people who used it for 1 week, compared with only 56 percent of those applying clotrimazole.
Maximize it: Use Lamisil until your symptoms disappear—and then keep on using it for an addi-tional 2 weeks. "Fungal infections are extremely hard to get rid of," says Dr. Krypel. "Even if you can alleviate the symptoms, the under-lying infection may still be there."
Generic equivalent: None
Why it won: It uses the king of the 'caines: benzocaine. In addition to being a powerful painkiller, benzocaine may be safer than other anesthetics, such as lidocaine, which can cause side effects, such as blurry vision and dizziness, says Michael Oszko, Pharm.D., an associate professor at the University of Kansas. Another advantage of Solarcaine is that it's an aerosol; creams can hurt when you rub them in.
Maximize it: Before you reach for the benzocaine fire extinguisher, run your scorched skin under cool water to prevent blistering (don't use cold water, because the drastic temperature change can aggravate your epidermis). "The heat starts breaking down the proteins on the surface of your skin, and that's what results in your blister," says Dr. Pray.
Generic equivalent: Benzocaine, 20 percent
Zilactin Cold Sore Gel
Why it won: It leads a double life at the drugstore. Though Zilactin is marketed as a cold-sore medication, pharmacists chose it for canker sores because it contains benzyl alcohol. Like a liquid bandage, benzyl alcohol temporarily seals off the sore, protecting it from the irritation caused by eating. Minimize the irritation and you'll maximize the healing.
Maximize it: Apply Zilactin about 10 minutes before dining in order to create the strongest possible seal, says Doering.
Generic equivalent: Benzyl alcohol, 10 percent
Why it won: It may save your life and your stomach, thanks to a special, slow-disintegration coating. "Ecotrin is dissolved and absorbed in the intestines, so it lessens the risk of stomach irritation that can occur with regular aspirin," says Janet Engle, Pharm.D., a clinical professor of pharmacy practice at the University of Illinois at Chicago college of pharmacy. But use only the low-strength version—81 mg. A study in the journal Circulation determined that taking less than 100 mg aspirin daily offers the greatest level of cardiovascular protection, and that higher doses may actually increase the risk of heart trouble.
Maximize it: Don't take Ecotrin and drop an antacid at the same time. The antacid will cause the special coating to dissolve too quickly, turning Ecotrin into reg-ular aspirin.
Generic equivalent: Enteric coated aspirin
Why it won: Since cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, the only way to knock the disease back into dormancy is with an antiviral medication. Abreva is presently the only topical antiviral treatment available over the counter. A study of 737 people published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that docosanol (the active ingredient in Abreva) helped heal cold sores 19 percent faster than a placebo (in 4 days instead of almost 5).
Maximize it: After you apply Abreva, rub on a little Zilactin Cold Sore Gel. The Zilactin will help relieve the pain while the Abreva fights the virus, says Dr. Pray. Otherwise, it's hands off. "The virus will heal faster the less you touch the sore, because when you touch it, you can reinfect it with the virus," says Dr. Roizen.
Generic equivalent: None
Why it won: It's like nasal Drano. While most other decongestants only reduce sinus swelling, Sudafed also loosens the mucus, thanks to the inclusion of the expectorant guaifenesin. Pharmacists also point out that when Sudafed is combined with a spray decongestant, such as Afrin, it can prevent a person's ears from clogging up during air travel.
Maximize it: Add ibuprofen to your decongestion regimen. A new study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology showed that stuffed-up subjects who took ibuprofen with pseudoephedrine—the main ingredient in Sudafed—had 22 percent less congestion than those who took pseudoephedrine by itself.
Generic equivalent: Pseudo-ephedrine hydrochloride, 30 mg, and guaifenesin, 200 mg
Why it won: This cough remedy edges ahead for what it doesn't contain as much as for what it does. Whether you choose Robitussin Guaifenesin to loosen the mucus in a congested chest or Robitussin DM to also help quiet a cough, neither formula contains alcohol. "Alcohol swells bronchial tissues, which could make the cough worse," says Calhoun.
Maximize it: Take up drinking—water. "If your body's cells are hydrated, it will be easier for the medication to work at the receptor sites and provide relief," Calhoun says. "Proper hydration will help you get better faster."
Generic equivalent: Guaifenesin, 100 mg (Robitussin Guaifenesin); dextromethorphan HBr, 10 mg, and guaifenesin, 100 mg (Robitussin DM)
Why it won: Three reasons: bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin. A recent University of Virginia study showed that ointment containing this antibiotic trio eliminated 96 percent of bacteria in 6 hours, while a salve sans neomycin killed 14 percent. That said, if your gash or rash becomes more inflamed after you apply Neosporin, you may be allergic to neomycin. Instead, go with a double-antibiotic ointment, such as Polysporin.
Maximize it: Even the best bandages can become unstuck, allowing the Neosporin to rub off and the wound to dry out. (Moisture speeds healing time.) If the cut is in an inconspicuous place, Dr. Roizen suggests sealing it with a piece of Saran Wrap and two rubber bands instead. "Saran Wrap really protects the wound because it stays tightly pressed against your skin," he says.
Generic equivalent: Bacitracin zinc, 400 units; neomycin, 3.5 mg; and polymyxin B sulfate, 5,000 units
Imodium A-D
Why it won: Imodium A-D puts the reins on the runs by slowing down the movement of your intestines, whereas other products focus only on decreasing "fluid production." However, if the cause of your distress is payback from a certain Aztec emperor, reach for a bottle of Pepto-Bismol instead: The active ingredient, bismuth subsalicylate, can help kill off stomach bugs.
Maximize it: Drink a milk chaser. "Calcium increases your body's ability to slow the intestines," Dr. Roizen says. Down one glass of skim milk twice a day for the necessary 600 mg calcium.
Generic equivalent: Loperamide, 2 mg
Why it won: Gas-X contains the ingredient proven to stop explosive gas leaks fast: simethicone. "It breaks the surface tension of small gas bubbles, helping them pass quickly through the body," says Dr. Krypel.
Maximize it: Besides altering what you eat—less soda and beans—change how you eat. Specifically, slow the heck down. You swallow more air when you eat quickly, thus increasing the number of gas-producing air bubbles in your system, says Dr. Pray.
Generic equivalent: Simethicone, 125 mg
Regular Strength Tylenol
Why it won: Tylenol held a slight edge in a clinical cage match with Aleve. Research published in Cephalalgia showed that 37 percent of people who took 1,000 mg acetaminophen saw their headaches disappear after 2 hours, compared with 32 percent of those who popped 375 mg naproxen. However, if the pain is between your eyes, skip both meds and see a doctor. "In almost every case, this is a sinus infection with a sinus headache," says Dr. Pray.
Maximize it: Don't delay. "Most headaches are caused by vascular spasm—a tightening of blood vessels in your head—or the release of that spasm," says Dr. Roizen. "Take medication early and you can stop the spasm from reaching its worst level."
Generic equivalent: Acetaminophen, 325 mg
Excedrin Migraine
Why it won: In addition to acetaminophen, it also has the proven pain-busters aspirin and caffeine. In a recent study presented to the International Headache Society, researchers compared the equivalent of two Excedrin Migraine tablets with a prescription headache med. Their finding: Eighty-seven percent of people on the acetaminophen-aspirin-caffeine combination reported complete or partial symptom relief after 2 hours, versus only 75 percent of those given the prescription drug.
Maximize it: Make Excedrin's job easier. Researchers at the University of Miami determined that migraine sufferers who received two weekly 30-minute head massages reported decreases in headache pain.
Generic equivalent: Acetaminophen, 250 mg; aspirin, 250 mg; caffeine, 65 mg
Why it won: Mylanta combines two balms for the burn: aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. "They work immediately, but their duration is short," says Dr. Oszko. Still, it's a longer reprieve than other antacids offer; University of Oklahoma researchers found that Mylanta's ingredients neutralized acid about 22 minutes longer than calcium-based products did.
Maximize it: Stick with liquid Mylanta. "If you take the tablet form, you have to chew it well and drink water to make sure it's absorbed," says Dr. Krypel. "With liquids, you're already there."
Generic equivalent: Aluminum hydroxide, 400 mg, and magnesium hydroxide, 400 mg
Why it won: Mylanta combines two balms for the burn: aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. "They work immediately, but their duration is short," says Dr. Oszko. Still, it's a longer reprieve than other antacids offer; University of Oklahoma researchers found that Mylanta's ingredients neutralized acid about 22 minutes longer than calcium-based products did.
Maximize it: Stick with liquid Mylanta. "If you take the tablet form, you have to chew it well and drink water to make sure it's absorbed," says Dr. Krypel. "With liquids, you're already there."
Generic equivalent: Aluminum hydroxide, 400 mg, and magnesium hydroxide, 400 mg
Prilosec OTC
Why it won: It contains omeprazole, a chemical that can slow your stomach's acid pumps. Just one pill can decrease acid production, but a 2-week course is necessary for lasting relief; a new University of Michigan study showed that 43 percent of people on omeprazole for 2 weeks stayed heartburn-free for 3 months.
Maximize it: As you're popping Prilosec, try dropping pounds. "Weight loss changes the angle of the esophagus," Dr. Roizen says. "A sharp angle makes it harder for the acid to come back up."
Generic equivalent: None
Preparation H
Why it won: Hemorrhoids are just dilated blood vessels, which are best treated by chemicals called vasoconstrictors. Preparation H contains a vasoconstrictor—phenylephrine—while other brands have only anesthetics. Caution: If your hemorrhoids bleed or last more than a week, see a doctor.
Maximize it: Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water and down 25 grams of fiber daily. The water and fiber will correct the cause of the hemorrhoids—straining too hard—as well as help promote healing, says Dr. Roizen. "It usually has an effect within a day."
Generic equivalent: Phenylephrine, 0.25 percent
Lotrimin AF
Why it won: The fungus in your Fruit of the Looms needs to be treated differently than the type between your toes. The combination of the warm, moist environment in your underwear and the ease with which you can scratch the itch ups the odds of a bacterial infection. Enter Lotrimin AF. In addition to fighting fungus, "the clotrimazole in Lotrimin may help prevent a secondary infection," Dr. Krypel says.
Maximize it: Buy the cream and rub it in well. "The skin protects the fungus, so you need to spend enough time rubbing it into the affected area," Dr. Krypel says.
Generic equivalent: Clotrimazole, 1 percent
Why it won: Advil owes it all to ibuprofen. When French researchers recently studied 222 people with osteoarthritis, they noted that those who took 400 mg ibuprofen had 23 percent more pain relief during the following 6 hours than those who swallowed 1,000 mg acetaminophen. What's more, after 2 weeks of treatment, the people popping ibuprofen still reported less pain and stiffness.
Maximize it: Employ a pincer move: Use Advil to attack the pain from the inside and a heat wrap to hit it from your skin in. Wraps, like those made by ThermaCare, are better than ointments, says Dr. Pray, because they penetrate deeper and last longer (8 hours).
Generic equivalent: Ibuprofen, 200 mg
Why it won: Steroids. Not the Jason Giambi variety, but a topical steroid called hydrocortisone, which helps relieve both the itching and the inflammation that are caused by an ivy attack. Other topical creams, such as Benadryl and Caladryl, work only to soothe the itch.
Maximize it: Soak in oats. Before you rub on the Cortaid, immerse your itch-afflicted area in a mix of warm water and colloidal oatmeal for at least 15 minutes. One Australian study showed that patients who were treated with colloidal oatmeal for minor burns reported less itching and needed less medicine than those treated with another anti-itch ointment.
Generic equivalent: Hydrocortisone, 1 percent
Why it won: One dose helps halt hay fever and other sinus allergies for up to 24 hours, compared with 4 to 6 hours for other antihistamines. Claritin is also the first OTC antihistamine that's truly nonsedating, which means you can finally operate heavy machinery (or just drive your car). One caution: Claritin-D also contains a decongesting stimulant, so take it at least 4 hours before bedtime, says Paul Doering, an OTC expert at the University of Florida.
Maximize it: Anytime you're anticipating an allergy attack, pop a preemptive Claritin. "This will make your reaction less severe than if you treated it after it began," says Steven Pray, Ph.D., D.P.H., a professor of nonprescription drugs at Southwestern Oklahoma State University.
Generic equivalent: Loratadine, 10 milligrams (mg)
Why it won: Whether it's the burning of a bee sting or the itching of poison ivy, skin reactions involve more histamine—the body's allergy-causing chemical—than sinus flare-ups do. As a result, Claritin may not cut it. "There's some proof that nonsedating antihistamines have an effect on these allergic reactions, but not as great an effect as Benadryl has," says Linda Krypel, Pharm.D., an associate professor of pharmacy at Drake University. But that power comes at a price: Benadryl can make you too drowsy to drive a forklift.
Maximize it: Mix Benadryl with Tagamet, an OTC antacid. Tagamet contains cimetidine, what's known as an H2 histamine blocker. Benadryl uses an H1 blocker. "Take an H1 and an H2 together and you get more relief because they affect different parts of your allergy-response system," says Michael Roizen, M.D., a professor of medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University.
Generic equivalent: Diphenhydramine, 25 mg
Lamisil AT
Why it won: "Lamisil AT inhibits an essential component of the fungal cell membrane," says Donnie Calhoun, R.Ph., owner of Golden Spring Pharmacy in Alabama. "Without its membrane, the fungus will die." In an Australian study of 217 people with athlete's foot, researchers found that terbinafine, the active ingredient in Lamisil, cleared up the symptoms in 85 percent of people who used it for 1 week, compared with only 56 percent of those applying clotrimazole.
Maximize it: Use Lamisil until your symptoms disappear—and then keep on using it for an addi-tional 2 weeks. "Fungal infections are extremely hard to get rid of," says Dr. Krypel. "Even if you can alleviate the symptoms, the under-lying infection may still be there."
Generic equivalent: None
Why it won: It uses the king of the 'caines: benzocaine. In addition to being a powerful painkiller, benzocaine may be safer than other anesthetics, such as lidocaine, which can cause side effects, such as blurry vision and dizziness, says Michael Oszko, Pharm.D., an associate professor at the University of Kansas. Another advantage of Solarcaine is that it's an aerosol; creams can hurt when you rub them in.
Maximize it: Before you reach for the benzocaine fire extinguisher, run your scorched skin under cool water to prevent blistering (don't use cold water, because the drastic temperature change can aggravate your epidermis). "The heat starts breaking down the proteins on the surface of your skin, and that's what results in your blister," says Dr. Pray.
Generic equivalent: Benzocaine, 20 percent
Zilactin Cold Sore Gel
Why it won: It leads a double life at the drugstore. Though Zilactin is marketed as a cold-sore medication, pharmacists chose it for canker sores because it contains benzyl alcohol. Like a liquid bandage, benzyl alcohol temporarily seals off the sore, protecting it from the irritation caused by eating. Minimize the irritation and you'll maximize the healing.
Maximize it: Apply Zilactin about 10 minutes before dining in order to create the strongest possible seal, says Doering.
Generic equivalent: Benzyl alcohol, 10 percent
Why it won: It may save your life and your stomach, thanks to a special, slow-disintegration coating. "Ecotrin is dissolved and absorbed in the intestines, so it lessens the risk of stomach irritation that can occur with regular aspirin," says Janet Engle, Pharm.D., a clinical professor of pharmacy practice at the University of Illinois at Chicago college of pharmacy. But use only the low-strength version—81 mg. A study in the journal Circulation determined that taking less than 100 mg aspirin daily offers the greatest level of cardiovascular protection, and that higher doses may actually increase the risk of heart trouble.
Maximize it: Don't take Ecotrin and drop an antacid at the same time. The antacid will cause the special coating to dissolve too quickly, turning Ecotrin into reg-ular aspirin.
Generic equivalent: Enteric coated aspirin
Why it won: Since cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, the only way to knock the disease back into dormancy is with an antiviral medication. Abreva is presently the only topical antiviral treatment available over the counter. A study of 737 people published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that docosanol (the active ingredient in Abreva) helped heal cold sores 19 percent faster than a placebo (in 4 days instead of almost 5).
Maximize it: After you apply Abreva, rub on a little Zilactin Cold Sore Gel. The Zilactin will help relieve the pain while the Abreva fights the virus, says Dr. Pray. Otherwise, it's hands off. "The virus will heal faster the less you touch the sore, because when you touch it, you can reinfect it with the virus," says Dr. Roizen.
Generic equivalent: None
Why it won: It's like nasal Drano. While most other decongestants only reduce sinus swelling, Sudafed also loosens the mucus, thanks to the inclusion of the expectorant guaifenesin. Pharmacists also point out that when Sudafed is combined with a spray decongestant, such as Afrin, it can prevent a person's ears from clogging up during air travel.
Maximize it: Add ibuprofen to your decongestion regimen. A new study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology showed that stuffed-up subjects who took ibuprofen with pseudoephedrine—the main ingredient in Sudafed—had 22 percent less congestion than those who took pseudoephedrine by itself.
Generic equivalent: Pseudo-ephedrine hydrochloride, 30 mg, and guaifenesin, 200 mg
Why it won: This cough remedy edges ahead for what it doesn't contain as much as for what it does. Whether you choose Robitussin Guaifenesin to loosen the mucus in a congested chest or Robitussin DM to also help quiet a cough, neither formula contains alcohol. "Alcohol swells bronchial tissues, which could make the cough worse," says Calhoun.
Maximize it: Take up drinking—water. "If your body's cells are hydrated, it will be easier for the medication to work at the receptor sites and provide relief," Calhoun says. "Proper hydration will help you get better faster."
Generic equivalent: Guaifenesin, 100 mg (Robitussin Guaifenesin); dextromethorphan HBr, 10 mg, and guaifenesin, 100 mg (Robitussin DM)
Why it won: Three reasons: bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin. A recent University of Virginia study showed that ointment containing this antibiotic trio eliminated 96 percent of bacteria in 6 hours, while a salve sans neomycin killed 14 percent. That said, if your gash or rash becomes more inflamed after you apply Neosporin, you may be allergic to neomycin. Instead, go with a double-antibiotic ointment, such as Polysporin.
Maximize it: Even the best bandages can become unstuck, allowing the Neosporin to rub off and the wound to dry out. (Moisture speeds healing time.) If the cut is in an inconspicuous place, Dr. Roizen suggests sealing it with a piece of Saran Wrap and two rubber bands instead. "Saran Wrap really protects the wound because it stays tightly pressed against your skin," he says.
Generic equivalent: Bacitracin zinc, 400 units; neomycin, 3.5 mg; and polymyxin B sulfate, 5,000 units
Imodium A-D
Why it won: Imodium A-D puts the reins on the runs by slowing down the movement of your intestines, whereas other products focus only on decreasing "fluid production." However, if the cause of your distress is payback from a certain Aztec emperor, reach for a bottle of Pepto-Bismol instead: The active ingredient, bismuth subsalicylate, can help kill off stomach bugs.
Maximize it: Drink a milk chaser. "Calcium increases your body's ability to slow the intestines," Dr. Roizen says. Down one glass of skim milk twice a day for the necessary 600 mg calcium.
Generic equivalent: Loperamide, 2 mg
Why it won: Gas-X contains the ingredient proven to stop explosive gas leaks fast: simethicone. "It breaks the surface tension of small gas bubbles, helping them pass quickly through the body," says Dr. Krypel.
Maximize it: Besides altering what you eat—less soda and beans—change how you eat. Specifically, slow the heck down. You swallow more air when you eat quickly, thus increasing the number of gas-producing air bubbles in your system, says Dr. Pray.
Generic equivalent: Simethicone, 125 mg
Regular Strength Tylenol
Why it won: Tylenol held a slight edge in a clinical cage match with Aleve. Research published in Cephalalgia showed that 37 percent of people who took 1,000 mg acetaminophen saw their headaches disappear after 2 hours, compared with 32 percent of those who popped 375 mg naproxen. However, if the pain is between your eyes, skip both meds and see a doctor. "In almost every case, this is a sinus infection with a sinus headache," says Dr. Pray.
Maximize it: Don't delay. "Most headaches are caused by vascular spasm—a tightening of blood vessels in your head—or the release of that spasm," says Dr. Roizen. "Take medication early and you can stop the spasm from reaching its worst level."
Generic equivalent: Acetaminophen, 325 mg
Excedrin Migraine
Why it won: In addition to acetaminophen, it also has the proven pain-busters aspirin and caffeine. In a recent study presented to the International Headache Society, researchers compared the equivalent of two Excedrin Migraine tablets with a prescription headache med. Their finding: Eighty-seven percent of people on the acetaminophen-aspirin-caffeine combination reported complete or partial symptom relief after 2 hours, versus only 75 percent of those given the prescription drug.
Maximize it: Make Excedrin's job easier. Researchers at the University of Miami determined that migraine sufferers who received two weekly 30-minute head massages reported decreases in headache pain.
Generic equivalent: Acetaminophen, 250 mg; aspirin, 250 mg; caffeine, 65 mg
Why it won: Mylanta combines two balms for the burn: aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. "They work immediately, but their duration is short," says Dr. Oszko. Still, it's a longer reprieve than other antacids offer; University of Oklahoma researchers found that Mylanta's ingredients neutralized acid about 22 minutes longer than calcium-based products did.
Maximize it: Stick with liquid Mylanta. "If you take the tablet form, you have to chew it well and drink water to make sure it's absorbed," says Dr. Krypel. "With liquids, you're already there."
Generic equivalent: Aluminum hydroxide, 400 mg, and magnesium hydroxide, 400 mg
Why it won: Mylanta combines two balms for the burn: aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. "They work immediately, but their duration is short," says Dr. Oszko. Still, it's a longer reprieve than other antacids offer; University of Oklahoma researchers found that Mylanta's ingredients neutralized acid about 22 minutes longer than calcium-based products did.
Maximize it: Stick with liquid Mylanta. "If you take the tablet form, you have to chew it well and drink water to make sure it's absorbed," says Dr. Krypel. "With liquids, you're already there."
Generic equivalent: Aluminum hydroxide, 400 mg, and magnesium hydroxide, 400 mg
Prilosec OTC
Why it won: It contains omeprazole, a chemical that can slow your stomach's acid pumps. Just one pill can decrease acid production, but a 2-week course is necessary for lasting relief; a new University of Michigan study showed that 43 percent of people on omeprazole for 2 weeks stayed heartburn-free for 3 months.
Maximize it: As you're popping Prilosec, try dropping pounds. "Weight loss changes the angle of the esophagus," Dr. Roizen says. "A sharp angle makes it harder for the acid to come back up."
Generic equivalent: None
Preparation H
Why it won: Hemorrhoids are just dilated blood vessels, which are best treated by chemicals called vasoconstrictors. Preparation H contains a vasoconstrictor—phenylephrine—while other brands have only anesthetics. Caution: If your hemorrhoids bleed or last more than a week, see a doctor.
Maximize it: Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water and down 25 grams of fiber daily. The water and fiber will correct the cause of the hemorrhoids—straining too hard—as well as help promote healing, says Dr. Roizen. "It usually has an effect within a day."
Generic equivalent: Phenylephrine, 0.25 percent
Lotrimin AF
Why it won: The fungus in your Fruit of the Looms needs to be treated differently than the type between your toes. The combination of the warm, moist environment in your underwear and the ease with which you can scratch the itch ups the odds of a bacterial infection. Enter Lotrimin AF. In addition to fighting fungus, "the clotrimazole in Lotrimin may help prevent a secondary infection," Dr. Krypel says.
Maximize it: Buy the cream and rub it in well. "The skin protects the fungus, so you need to spend enough time rubbing it into the affected area," Dr. Krypel says.
Generic equivalent: Clotrimazole, 1 percent
Why it won: Advil owes it all to ibuprofen. When French researchers recently studied 222 people with osteoarthritis, they noted that those who took 400 mg ibuprofen had 23 percent more pain relief during the following 6 hours than those who swallowed 1,000 mg acetaminophen. What's more, after 2 weeks of treatment, the people popping ibuprofen still reported less pain and stiffness.
Maximize it: Employ a pincer move: Use Advil to attack the pain from the inside and a heat wrap to hit it from your skin in. Wraps, like those made by ThermaCare, are better than ointments, says Dr. Pray, because they penetrate deeper and last longer (8 hours).
Generic equivalent: Ibuprofen, 200 mg
Why it won: Steroids. Not the Jason Giambi variety, but a topical steroid called hydrocortisone, which helps relieve both the itching and the inflammation that are caused by an ivy attack. Other topical creams, such as Benadryl and Caladryl, work only to soothe the itch.
Maximize it: Soak in oats. Before you rub on the Cortaid, immerse your itch-afflicted area in a mix of warm water and colloidal oatmeal for at least 15 minutes. One Australian study showed that patients who were treated with colloidal oatmeal for minor burns reported less itching and needed less medicine than those treated with another anti-itch ointment.
Generic equivalent: Hydrocortisone, 1 percent
Sunday, February 18, 2007
If you are interested in learning what Branson, Missouri might have to offer you in the way of food, entertainment, shopping and more, check out my new sister blog, www.bransonLIFE.blogspot.com. Right now it looks like it's going in the direction of just restaurant reviews, but as time goes by I will list and review some of the shows, attractions, shopping, and activities as well. My hope is that this will stir an interest and motivate my family and friends to come to town. Selfish motive I know! Enjoy!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Some people are like Slinkies - not really good for anything but you can't help but laugh when you push them down the stairs.
Windy Windy Windy
Is it cold and windy where you are? It sure is here! My goodness, I thought I would blow away last night on my way home from work. I could hardly keep the car on the road. A construction sign had blow over the freeway while I was caught up in a song from the 70's and almost did't see it. I dang near swearved off the road!
It's been quite a winter here.
It's been quite a winter here.
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